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What is Fundraising N Black?

Fundraising N Black is a movement to build Black-led organizations' resilience by transforming how they fundraise. Fundraising N Black is the first-ever culturally relevant fundraising training platform Created by Black fundraisers for Black nonprofit leaders, founders, and fundraisers.

Our Goal
Organization supported
Wrap-Around Services
Progress Toward The goal

What We Do

We collaborate with grantmakers and nonprofit centers to form cohorts of nonprofits, helping them build resilience (we prefer this term over capacity) to secure the funding needed to advance their missions and movements. Fundraising N Black cohort organizations receive comprehensive support services within a supportive community of Black-led organizations nationwide.


-lend a helping hand

Creating a positive impact.

By providing a variety of options to which everyone can contribute in accordance with their abilities and means

They Need Your Help

Our Why

Because dominant philanthropy has a protracted history of perpetrating philanthropic discrimination against Black-led organizations.

Because Black communities bear the brunt of structural inequities in education, health, justice, and more due to policies and systems that create advantages for Whites and disadvantages for Blacks.

We’re working to improve outcomes and raise the vibration in Black and Brown communities because we all thrive when Black and Brown communities thrive.

What We Stand For

Black Communities bear the brunt of structural inequalities in education, health, justice and more due to policies and systems that create advantages for whites and disadvantages for blacks.

Centering Lived Experience

We believe Black leaders and founders have incredible lived experience and strategies for addressing the inequities plaguing Black communities. However, biases inherent in philanthropy result in disproportionately less funding going to Black-led agencies. This is a proven fact.

Elevating the Qualified and Equipped

We believe Black leaders and founders are uniquely qualified and equipped to address the harm perpetrated on Black communities. They are impassioned and have incredible lived experience with racial oppression.

Building & Harnessing Power

Strengthening Black-led organizations' fundraising resilience unlocks the critical funding necessary to advance their movements and ultimately strengthens their impact.

Achieving Black Liberation

Strengthening Black-led organizations and movements will ultimately enhance the liberation and self-determination of Black people and Black communities worldwide.

Pushing For Racial Justice

Black-led organizations are operating mission-critical, high-impact programs, yet they continue to be denied the critical funding resources they need to thrive. We are working to help shift this paradigm.

Our Cohort Organizations

We serve Black-led and POC-led led and serving organizations pushing for social change on a national and even global level. We currently support over 50 organizations nationwide.

Oakland California

Los Angeles California

Detroit Michigan

Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Providence Rhode Island

Clinton Tennessee

St. Louis Missouri

Chicago Illinois


We want to change the world. Why not join us?

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